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Page Number: 19

The Single Parent Child Rearing Financial Support Allowance

Aiming to stabilize the lives of single-parent households and promote independence, this allowance is provided to children who do not share the same standard of living as their father or mother, for reasons such as divorce or the death of a parent.
This financial support may also be provided to either a person who is taking care of a child instead of the head of a single-parent household or a person who is caring for an orphaned child.
It is necessary to apply for this allowance to receive it.

Eligibility Criteria

This allowance is provided to a custodial parent or guardian taking care of a child who meets any of the following (a child is defined as a person under age 18, up to the first March 31 after his/her 18th birthday, or a person under 20 years old for a child with disabilities).

  1. Those whose parents' marriage has been dissolved (including de facto marriage) 
  2. Those whose parent (father or mother) has died
  3. Those whose parent has a disability of the level stipulated by laws and regulations (National Pension Disability Level 1)
  4. Those whose parents' whereabouts are unknown
  5. Those who have been abandoned by their parents for over one year
  6. Those whose parents have received a domestic violence protection order from the court
  7. Those whose parents have been continuously detained by law for one year or more
  8. Those whose were conceived outside of marriage

Even if the above requirements are met, people in the following categories may not receive support payments:

  1. When a de facto (e.g. common-law) marriage exists, even though the marriage has not been registered
  2. When the parent or caretaker of the child receiving the allowance does not have a domicile in Japan
  3. When the child does not have a domicile in Japan
  4. When the eligible child is entrusted to foster parents, or is placed in a juvenile training school or child welfare institution (excluding maternal and child living support facilities, nursery schools and daycare facilities) 
  5. When the child is eligible to receive public benefits that exceed the allowance, such as the National Pension  (excluding the Old-Age Pension) or welfare pensions
  6. When five years have passed since the applicant met the requirements for the allowance as of April 1, 2003 (limited to mothers and children)
  7. When the applicant's income exceeds the stipulated amount

Application Procedure

Before applying, please check what documents are required for application at the Child Rearing Support Section of the ward office where you live.

Monthly Allowance Amount


  From April of 2022
Full Payment Partial Payment
For the 1st child 43,070Yen 43,060Yenから10,160Yen
For the 2nd child (additional payment) 10,170Yen 10,160Yenから5,090Yen
For the 3rd and any additional children (1 payment per child) 6,100Yen 6,090Yenから3,050Yen

*Depending on income, support payments will be either full or partial.

Income Limit Table

(Unit   Yen)

Number of Dependents Recipient him/herself (*Excluding) Foster parent of orphans (*) Spouse   Dependent
  Full Payment Partial Payment
None  490,000 1,920,000 2,360,000
One 870,000 2,300,000 2,740,000
Two  1,250,000 2,680,000 3,120,000
Three 1,630,000 3,060,000 3,500,000
For each person thereafter 380,000Addition 380,000Addition 380,000Addition

If the income of the qualified recipient and dependents living with him/her for the previous year (or the income of the previous two years if the claim is filed between January and September) exceeds the limit in the table, all or part of the allowance will be suspended for the current fiscal year (from November to October of the following year).


JR commuter pass discount (for households receiving a childcare allowance)

Households receiving the Single Parent Child Rearing Financial Support Allowance can purchase a JR commuter pass at a 30 percent discount.
(School commuter passes are not eligible.)


Before purchasing a commuter pass, please bring the following items to the Child Rearing Support Section of your ward office. A Certificate of Eligibility for Specified Persons and a Ticket Purchase Certificate will be mailed to you at a later date. Please present both of these at your station counter to purchase a commuter pass.

Necessary items
  • A photo of the person purchasing the commuter pass
    (taken within the last 6 months, front-facing upper body, 4 cm long x 3 cm wide)
  • Single Parent Child Rearing Financial Support Allowance Certificate 
 Contact Information

Child and Family Welfare Section, Child Rearing Support Division of each ward office

  • Higashi Ward Office:092-645-1068
  • Hakata Ward Office:092-419-1080
  • Chuo Ward Office:092-718-1101
  • Minami Ward Office:092-559-5123
  • Jonan Ward Office:092-833-4103
  • Sawara Ward Office:092-833-4354
  • Nishi Ward Office:092-895-7065
Department: Child and Family Welfare Desk, Child-Rearing Support Section