Assistance and Support

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Municipal Housing Preference Program

About housing

Tenant ApplicationFor single-parent households in need of housing, there is a preferential lottery in the "regular recruitment" program, in which tenants are selected by lottery four times a year (Ma…

Fukuoka Single Family Support Center (Employment Support)

I want to go to work Consultation

1 Employment Consultation Considering your family's situation and work experience, such as your job aptitude and motivation to work, employment counselors will provide appropriate advice. We also of…

Hourly Childcare

Sending child Pre-school

This service offers hourly childcare when their parents or guardians need it to attend weddings or funerals, visit hospitals, or just relax (it may be used up to 14 times a month). Eligible Children…

After-School Program

Sending child I want to go to work Elementary school students

For children whose parents are not home after school due to work or other commitments, an after-school program is set up in elementary schools (except for some of them) as a place for children to pla…

Fukuoka Family Support Center

Sending child I want to go to work Pre-school Elementary school students

This center brings together those who want support for child-rearing ("Requesting Members") and others who want to support parents in child-rearing ("Providing Members" ). Members provide mutual supp…

Sick Child Daycare Rooms

Sending child I want to go to work Pre-school Elementary school students

When a child is sick and cannot be cared for at home for reasons such as a parent or guardian's work schedule, the child can stay in a sick child daycare room at a clinic. Eligibility criteria for t…

Maternity Leave Support Services

Sending child Pre-school

In Fukuoka City, childcare centers and other facilities may be used once the child is 3 months old. For those who need childcare from the end of maternity leave (after 8 weeks) to 3 months of age, a …

On-site Childcare Service

Sending child Pre-school

Businesses approved by Fukuoka City provide childcare for children aged 3 months to 2 years old who need it, together with their employees' children, at facilities within the business establishment. …

Family and Child Consultation Room (in the Childcare Support Section of each ward in Fukuoka City)


The Family and Child Consultation Offices of each ward's Child Rearing Support Section are close at hand for residents to receive counseling related to children, family problems, and how to become in…

The Single Parent Family Medical Expense Subsidy System

Pre-school Elementary school students Middle school students High school students Getting money

In an effort to improve the health and welfare of parents and children in single-parent families, as well as children without parents, medical expense subsidies are provided.Those Eligible for Subsid…

About consultation that we can do in single-parent family support center

I want to go to work Consultation

About the Single-Parent Family Support Center The Fukuoka City Single Parent Family Support Center is a welfare facility offering a variety of counseling for single parent families and widows. We …

Consultation Desk


Consultation Desk Family and Child Consultation Room (in the Childcare Support Section of each ward in Fukuoka City) The Family and Child Consultation Offices of each ward's Child Rearing Suppo…

Assistance in Preparing Notarized Deeds for Child Support

Getting money

When the head of a single-parent family prepares a notarized deed to arrange child support, its cost will be subsidized. Eligibility Criteria Single parents living in Fukuoka City who have nota…

Allowance for Orphans left Homeless by Disaster

Getting money

To promote sound child development and welfare, this allowance is provided to guardians supporting children who have lost one or both of their parents (including those who have become severely disabl…

Child Rearing Support Concierge

Pre-school Consultation

The Fukuoka City Child Rearing Support Concierge is a specialist counselor who takes inquiries from parents. After listening to the wishes and working conditions of the household, the Concierge offer…

Contact Information


  Higashi Ward Office   Name Telephone Number Child and Family Consultation Room, Child-Rearing Support Section 645-1072 Child and Family Welfare Desk, Child-…

In-home Childcare Service

Sending child Pre-school

This is a when an establishment approved by Fukuoka City provides childcare services for children (from age 3 months on up) needing care at the child's home. Contact for inquiries Child and Fam…

Children's Lesson Support Program

Elementary school students Middle school students Getting money

To help children develop their individuality, abilities, and self-esteem, beyond the influence of the environment in which they were born and raised, electronic coupons will be issued to subsidize th…

Egao-Kan(Children's Counseling Center)

Pre-school Elementary school students Middle school students High school students University students Consultation

Egao-Kan is a comprehensive counseling center for children aged 0 to 20. Children and their parents or guardians may receive general or specialized counseling and support on various issues related to…

Fukuoka City Children's Psychological Treatment Facilities(Egao-Kan)

Elementary school students Middle school students High school students Consultation

For children having difficulty adjusting to social life due to their family environment, school friendships, or for other environmental reasons, we provide necessary inpatient or outpatient psycholog…

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