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Support for high school students until graduation (Enrollment Assistance Grant System)

Child's education and tuition High school students Getting money

This is a system to reduce the financial burdens of education on households with high-school students. 

High School Enrollment Assistance Grant

Those Eligible for Enrollment Assistance

  1. Those who are currently attending a national, public or private high school
  2. Those whose parents or guardians have an annual income level (Note 1) of less than about 9,100,000 yen

(Note 1) This level applies to a 4-person family with a junior or senior high school student in which one parent's annual income is at this level

Reduction of Tuition for Private High Schools

Those Eligible for Reduced Tuition

  1. Those receiving financial assistance or child rearing allowance (above a certain amount)
  2. Those whose parent or guardian is exempt from paying the full amount of national pension insurance premiums
  3. Those whose parent or guardian is exempt from paying income tax or prefectural and municipal income taxes

Scholarship Benefit Program for High School Students (for students enrolling after April 2014)

Those Eligible for the Scholarship Benefit

  1. The parent or guardian must reside in Fukuoka Prefecture.
    *If the guardian lives outside of the prefecture, please contact the prefecture where he/she resides.
  2. The parent or guardian must head a household exempt from paying prefectural and municipal income taxes, or a household receiving livelihood assistance.
  3. The applicant must be enrolled in a national, public or private high school (special-needs high schools are not included).
  4. The applicant must be a high school student who is eligible to receive the high school enrollment assistance grant.


Please submit the necessary documents to the school your child is attending. Please contact the school for details on eligibility for this benefit.