Page Number: 117
Under the watchful eye of a childcare supporter, parents of infants and young children can visit and spend their free time at a familiar local venue such as a community center, any time it's open, with no set program.(Childcare Supporters help parents and children interact with each other.)
Infants, young children (from age 0 to about 6) and their parents or guardians may participate in this program.
Free of charge ※Childcare Supporters operate on a volunteer basis.
Nothing in particular
Please contact the Community Health and Welfare Section of the Health and Welfare Center in each ward office, or visit the Fukuoka City website for information on locations and hours.
Fukuoka City Childcare Exchange Salon
Community Health and Welfare Division, in the Health and Welfare Center of each ward office
Higashi Ward
Telephone number:092-645-1088
Hakata Ward
Telephone number:092-419-1100
Chuo Ward
Telephone number:092-718-1111
Minami Ward
Telephone number:092-559-5133
Jonan Ward
Telephone number:092-833-4113
Sawara Ward
Telephone number:092-833-4363
Nishi Ward
Telephone number:092-895-7080